
Where there is a will, there is a way.

Jan, 2024
3 Minutes
Using a tool
Is it a library or a framework?! Do not know, but everyone is using it. Must be good. Hype Driven Development. It should be a known story for experienced developers. For new developers it is alright to start here. The problem is never the tool itself. How it is been used, the implementation details. That is the place, where it matters. During the last days of FlashPlayer, the company and the community both jumped into Flex, the framework and the tool-chain to say, everything can be fixed with it!
Dec, 2023
1 Minutes
Secure boot. Installing Linux on a Windows machine.
Installing Linux side by side on a Windows machine, was and still is simple. However, now a days there is one more / extra step before installing Linux(specifically Ubuntu) on a Windows machine. Now a days the hardware and the boot option comes with a setting called Secure Boot. This option is by default it is enabled for a new laptop running on Windows 11. This is to make the system secure at boot level and Windows 11 requires this option to be available in order to be installed on the system.
Dec, 2023
1 Minutes
ReactNative. Developing on Windows
I always knew this from my experience that, Windows, the OS is broken in a lot of ways for development. However, once I shifted out of it never thought about it. In a recent turn of events, I am back in a Windows Machine for ReactNative development. And the old ghosts are back alive! Tried a lot of things, but the old trick did the job for me. In my project, I was constantly getting this error while building for Android.
Jul, 2023
1 Minutes
For sometime now, I was searching for an alternative for Go. While the language itself is nice and I am productive with it, there are reasons to look elsewhere. Now stared with Zig. While working with Go, I thought there could not be simpler thing than this. Installation is smooth, works on every platform and fast. Infact this blog runs on Hugo, which runs on Go. But lately there are data mining and other corporate politics is happening in that space.
Jul, 2023
2 Minutes
Removing Yarn 2.x
This is addition to the last two posts regarding Yarn. Setting different Yarn versions in Ubuntu / Linux Working with YARN Now after working with it for more than 2 years, it feels that Yarn 1 is more useful. Though, technically Yarn 2 has all the best intentions and implementations, there are situations where Yarn 1 just works. How to remove Yarn 2 completely from Ubuntu I am using NVM for managing different NodeJS versions.