Where there is a will, there is a way.
Jan, 2025
1 Minutes
React Native, 2025.
React Native still is and better than ever the toolchain for crossplatform application development. As usual the new version React Native toolchain keeps on changing. The documentation of the toolchain also keeps on changing(they call it evolving, not me).
Starting a new project is now done as this
npx @react-native-community/cli init MyNewReactNativeApp For a particular version of React Native, the command is like this.
npx @react-native-community/cli init MyApp --version "0.75" This is basically using the community cli
Jun, 2024
1 Minutes
NPM script basics
In package.json there is a script section. From here one can run NPM Scripts.
"scripts": {
"one": "scriptOne.js",
"two": "scriptTwo.js"
} These can be run like this.
npm run one This particular line will run scriptOne.js. This is powerful as we could take Node’s power and run any automated task for ourselves.
At first this seemed simple to me. Soon I came across cross-platform bugs. Since we are writing this in JS, it could be run anywhere Node is available.
May, 2024
2 Minutes
NeoVIM on Windows
We will be talking about Windows 11 and NeoVIM. It can be seen as general Windows not specific to Windows 11, since I have done it in Windows 11, thought would mention it here in order to avoid the confusion.
On Windows machines I avoided configuring or even using NeoVIM. Thought it would be much more painful here as compared to Linux. So started using NeoVIM on WSL. Configured and ready within a couple of minutes as that is basically all Linux.
May, 2024
1 Minutes
NeoVIM Configuration basics
Configuring NeoVIM is straight forward. All one need to know is, where to put what.
Here is a list of references to get started with it.
For me, it was not difficult as I just needed a decent text editor with a file tree. All I did is pull the respective github repos into the folder and call them from init,lua. This is nice and fine but since the configuration is too easy and Lua just feels good to play with, thinking of confuguring it further and play with plugin managers.
May, 2024
2 Minutes
I never thought, the day will come! The story of VIM addiction and NeoVIM adoption.
In search of a code editor which is available everywhere, from Desktop to servers, I accidentally got used to vi some years back. I had to edit some files on the server or they call it Cloud, the only editor available there was vi. I just used it and forgot it as it was not even close to anything that modern code editors offer.