NeoVIM on Windows

18 May, 2024

2 Mins Read

We will be talking about Windows 11 and NeoVIM. It can be seen as general Windows not specific to Windows 11, since I have done it in Windows 11, thought would mention it here in order to avoid the confusion.

On Windows machines I avoided configuring or even using NeoVIM. Thought it would be much more painful here as compared to Linux. So started using NeoVIM on WSL. Configured and ready within a couple of minutes as that is basically all Linux. Then I thought, let me try on Windows once and that would be final. If it runs fine if not better. It seemed the people at NeoVIM has made it clear that this thing is for everyone, including Windows people.

Download the binary. Extract it into a folder. Set that folder path in Windows Environment Path. Start using nvim from commandline.

Never thought, it would be this simple! This is a nice read for NeoVIM on Windows.


The nvim folder that we talked in last post for Linux is available at


for Windows. Once this folder is known, everything else regarding the configuration of nvim is just same as in Linux.

Clone the plugins into the respective folder and call them from init.lua. Windows is ready with NeoVIM.

References and Notes