2021 Retrospect.

29 Jan, 2022

2 Mins Read

The year started slow but kept up the steadiness. There were a lot of endings and new beginnings. As always if it flows, it is life.

Tech and work

A new project started.

For a long long time I was in a stealth mode. Bootstrapping and failing, then start over again and fail. The cycle finally ended. There are huge experience gain in terms of building a product and selling it. It is not just technical but a product is much more than that. One must try it. Atleast once in a lifetime. The outcome is huge.

A new exciting project fall in and the year was gone just like that. A lot to go but the foundation is ready.

The happiness of reaching a global audience.

This came at a time, when the bootstraps have all failed to reach even a local audience.

In terms of technology and work, it felt like a play. Completely engaged and sheer challenges everyday. Overall it is a nice ride.

Work from home

This is a new experience. Though previously I had work-from-home expereince, but they were kind of partly true. But this time it is fulltime work from home. Must say it is much different and most pleasing. But it may vary depending upon the project one is working on.

Welcome to new year

Finally, the year ended with the same pace as it started with. However, looking back it seems I have really covered a lot of ground in this year. No office commute, no managerial meetings but technology and project are way ahead. Here welcoming to the new and moving on.

Happy life.