Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

Woke up to a day where the world as a whole lost a visionary, motivator, leader and a true free human being, Steve Jobs.
Could not believe that we friends from all around, were calling each other to convey and grief for the great soul. He made us a family, never with us physically but connected the whole world with his ground breaking products, which definitely has a magical value which each human being has. Thats why probably all of us around the world are somehow related and felt the loss.
I, myself is fortunate enough to live in an age, where I can say proudly, Mr Steve Jobs lived.
Thank you for being with us, thank you for motivating me, thank you for showing how to live till your last breath, thank you for a human being, thank you for believing in magic rather than logic, which is truly human in all the senses. Will miss you for ever.