I had my hands dirty for the first time, in last couple of days, with Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). I was playing with the javascript SDK and getting to know the environment in general. The first impression is, it just stores the files and folders. But, digging deep inside and playing with its APIs, made me realise that its different than the traditional storage.Everything is just a pointer
, well thats how I see it.
Amazon says, everything is a file. So that means a folder is a file with a different naming convention. Thats it, if you get that, then the API is straight forward. And I must say from the beginning of the computer era, one thing has been consistent and that is file system. Now, the way, new storage solutions are emerging, it’s not actually different from others’ offers, but definitely different from traditional file systems. The new era of the file systems or more generally we can say data storage systems are emerging and Amazon is no different in that regard. So, all in all, a new storage system with a very simple SDK is exciting.
Happy coding.