- 2021
- 2020
- August
- July
- June
- May
- January
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- November
- October
- July
- June
- May
- April
- March
- January
- 2015
- December
- November
- August
- May
- January
- 2014
- November
- October
- September
- August
- June
- May
- April
- March
- February
- Migration checklist for Cordova(Phonegap) application from version 2.x to 3.x
- Book Review, jQuery UI 1.10-The User Interface Library for jQuery.
- Amazon S3, file system.
- jQuery Mobile, making change page work.
- Amazon S3 Sync with NodeJS
- iOS, customising top and bottom bar inside UINavigationController
- iOS fragmentation and UI development
- jQuerymobile, changePage is deprecated as of 1.4.0, will be removed in 1.5.0.
- Making desktop applications, using NodeJS.
- BackboneJS, making an event-dispatching Object.
- January
- Typography.
- Theme, Elegant.
- Theme, Simple.
- Git commit throws fatal error for line endings.
- A theme for Indian republic day
- Getting started with Wintersmith themes
- Want excitement, work with Freshers or even younger.
- Phonegap, jQuery, jQueryMobile and AJAX caching
- Author details on Wintersmith
- Experience with Parse
- BackboneJS, view and its events
- Distribute iOS app on your web site
- HTML5, requestAnimationFrame
- Native Android development and getting Key Hash for Facebook
- Wintersmith configuration
- Finally added Disqus
- The technology choice of the blog.
- The wait is over.
- Its moved to github now.
- Finally, a static site !
- Thanking wordpress.