Vue {{ it }}

Written by - Saumya

09 June 2020

Working with Vue is just sweet. The most important thing for me is less noise in the web.

While the community is active, very active, no one is making a loud noise throughout the internet. I think that is because, no one is trying to please the corporates they are working for and they are targetting to. Which is a very good sign as far as the framework goes.

Appart from that, the documentation is just spot on. There is no way anyone will get to a wrong place and search for answers somewhere else.

The eco-system for the framework is also just spot on and their documentation is as sweet. It all just works.

Vue {{ Basics }}

The base of a Vue application is a Vue file. Yes, the extension is .vue so the file is ‘filename.vue’.

It has three parts.

  • template
  • script
  • style

Those are self explanatory. The template contains the ‘html’, script contains ‘javascript’ and style has the ‘css’. Here is a basic Vue file. Generally every Vue file is a Vue Component.

  <div class="one">

export default {
  name: 'One'

<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped>
a {
  color: #42b983;

There are two main things one will need from the eco-system, Vue Router and VueX.

  • Vue Router is for making our URLs and mapping the URLs to respective components.
  • Vuex is for using a global store / state / data, whatever you call it.

Router {{ Example }}

export default new Router({
    routes: [
                { path: '/home', component: HomeComponent },
                { path: '/about', component: AboutComponent },

Inside the first Vue component of the application, that is the initial view of the application just have router-view, where the routing components will be rendered.

<div class="app_container">

VueX {{ Example }}

A basic store / state / data file is like this.


const state = {};
const getters = {};
const actions = {};
const mutations = {};
export default { state, getters, actions, mutations }

Example with a basic working file.

const state = {
    user_message : 'Nothing yet!',
const getters = {
    getUserMessage: state => {
        return state.user_message
const actions = {
    doSomethingWithData: ({state,commit},payload) => {
            //payload is someDataObject that is explained below
            fetch( url_1, fetch_data ).then(function(result){}).catch(function(error){});
            commit('UPDATE_MESSAGE', 'Doing something');
const mutations = {
    UPDATE_MESSAGE:  (state, message) => {
        state.user_message = message;
export default { state, getters, actions, mutations }

From the Vue file one just needs to dispatch actions like this.

this.$store.dispatch('doSomethingWithData', someDataObject);

In this example, someDataObject will be the payload inside the actions call. Inside the action one may need to call the commit if it is needed to change the store / state. Like we are calling commit('UPDATE_MESSAGE', 'Doing something'). That will go inside the mutation and run the respective function to change the state / store / data.

To get the data inside Vue file, we have to do something like this.

<div> {{ getUserMessage }} </div>

The {{ }} is the thing that will convert the variable inside it to the value of it. Basically running javascript inside the template tags.

The most important of all, is to add store and router to the initial part, where the Vue Application is initiated.

import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'

import router from './router'
import store from './store'

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  router: router,
  store: store,
  render: function(createElement){
    return createElement(App)

As I have mentioned above, add the router-view component in the first Vue file. In this case it is the ‘App.vue’. Example is as mentioned here.

    <div class="app_container">
export default {
  name: 'app',

Happy {{Vue}} coding.