Firebase Cloud FireStore and checking existence of a Document

Written by - Saumya

28 June 2018

The thing is Cloud FireStore is still in beta. However, I find it quite stable to run my applications. It has got all the things to run a serverless application.

While this is a NoSQL database, there are Documents and Collections. I was suppose to check the existence of a Document before adding some values into it. There is an API which gives us exactly the same thing, exists.


The trick here is, if there is no Document creation involved before but still there are data inside that Document path (its possible) then the exists will always return false. To know whether the Document is actually created or not Firebase Console is a good help. In the Console the Documents which are not created will be shown as italics. Its a subtle but very informative visual separation.

Just make sure, you created your Document before checking it with exists.

Here is stackoverflow answer, which helped me in this regard.

Happy Coding.