First of all, I wish all the best of spirits, health and prosperity.
Last year(2015) had carried the pain for me from its last year (ie; 2014). It started tough and went on to be tougher and tougher. Both in proffessional and personal matters the year progressed into tougher situations day by day. It almost put me in a situation, where I questioned everything about myself. Self doubt and nagetivity had almost got me where they wanted me. The only things those kept me going is a healthy regular habit of meditation, exercise and persistence of both. Finally towards the end of the year, it paid of. When I look at me now in this new year, I am a completely transformed person. Much stronger and moving on the right direction again.
I am looking at that year as a necessary evil. It was needed for me to see me as who I am. Proffessionaly I have been asked to be a double standard and deal with it. They call it smart, I call it lie. Personally, I was going through the same kind of thing. Glad that I could deal with all the situations with truthfulness and without any diplomacy.
Towards the end of the last year, I could see that proffessionally I had done a fantastic job. Despite of all the politics and hipocracy, I could make some of the better friends in my office. They know me as who I am and not as just another guy in the office. Personally, I got in touch with some old friends whom I had not even contacted for almost 3 years or more. All in all, it was a year that gave me the platform to see the world as it is.
Going forward I hope all this pain and suffering will only help me getting better and tougher, to face the realities of life.
Let me see, if I can draw a line between the things that had happened to me last year.
Office politics
Expected to deliver, while no help was given
Very bad experience of being in the client place
Have to travel to other town for work without travel allowances and prior notice
Official process for help seems like slow as snail and no co-operation
Relationship for money
Hidden agenda to keep a relation
Being blackmailed and name calling
Dealing with liars, disrespectful people and families
Delivered my work
Learning new technology and still delivering the work
Making the team aware of the technology and deliver
Knowing a new place, while on the place for work
Got in touch with old friends
Knowing the relationships
Accepting the facts as it is
A very good neighbour
A nice landlord
Making new friends for life
The most important thing I got to know in the process is, anything can happen in this life. But if you want to sleep happy, be truthful to yourself. I survived a major fall, and most of the credit goes to my parents as the way they brought me up. Mom was fighting her death till her last breath but never compromised her dignity. I was thinking why all these pain! Now, I am realising that she was making me, all throughout her life till the end. Then there were friends, who stood by me and showed me the right way to live. I could have gone wrong and to places of no return. But there were friends who saved me and showed me the way to live. If you can not make a friend, its your fault, because there are good people out there.
I have found help from unimaginable sources and glad that they are there in my life. People will just make stories not to take resposibility of their own life and try to make you miserable. Then there are people who will believe and stand by you for who you really are. All you need to do is, open your eyes and heart to welcome good in your own life.
All in all 2015 made be a stronger person to move forward in life. I can and I will, watch me.
Happy new year.