React with Router and Material UI

Written by - Saumya

11 March 2016

This is a little more than just the basics. If you do not have any idea about React, here are two links to get started with.

Now that we know what is React and how to do the basics. Lets go a little further.

The best part of React is its all components and the whole application architecture is upon us. Being said that, once the application gets little complex, soon we need a structure. Either we do it ourselves or take a ready one. Same goes with the UI of the application. Fortunately there are several solutions available for both of these. We are going to focus on two today.


This takes care of the routing of the React application on frontend. It plays nice with other React components. Instead of manually keeping track of the addition and removal of components, its a nice solution to start with for only this purpose, though adding a router in frontend has its added advantages too.

There are couple of tips here to use latest version(2.0) of react-router.

  • Firstly there is no default history created, so we have to pass it on while creating our router.
  • Secondly provide the contextTypes property to the components
// Router creation
var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
var hashHistory = require('react-router').hashHistory;
var routes = (
            <Route path="/" component={AppComponent}>
              <IndexRoute component={IndexComponent} />
              <Route path="see" component={ViewComponent} />
              <Route path="add" component={AddComponent} />
var App = ReactDOM.render(<Router routes={routes} history={hashHistory} />,

In our component code, we have to provide the contenxtTypes propert as below.

// contextTypes property setting in components
contextTypes: {
    router: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,

Now the programmatic routing is done through the router property of the context object. Once we put contextTypes property, we can get the router from it and through that, we can make our application to move to any other route. Here is an example.

// programmatic routing


This is directly an implemention of Material design guidelines from Google. Once we put this to use, application automatically abides to the design principles. This is a library of react components. So all we have to do is install the library and start using it by using its components.

Happy Reacting.