Working on a local storage for persistence in data has a lot of solutions. While we can definitely go ahead and just store String
values and play with it, Apple provides some solutions to play with local data as if its a database. The thing is, its not that intuitive. Other solutions are there, but the simplicity of is nice and addictive.
Lets see how in swift we could play with Realm.
do {
// clear the whole DB if Realm throws Errors saying need to migrate
Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded = true
// initiate DB and keep a ref
self.realm = try Realm()
// query to get all models of a Particular type
let pModel = self.realm!.objects(MyModel.self)
// check for already saved data
if(pModel.count == 0){
print("=== No Saved Data Found === XXX ")
// initiate a Model
let appInfo:MyModel = MyModel()
//write a model to DB
try! self.realm?.write({
print("=== Saved Data Found ===")
// get the first model
let appInfo:MyModel = pModel.first!
} catch let error as NSError {
print("init : Realm : ERROR :")
For writing into the database
public func saveUserId(userId:String,AndPhone:String){
// get the realm reference we saved above and start interacting with it
self.pivdModel!.registeredUserId = userId
self.pivdModel!.registeredMobileNumber = AndPhone
try self.realm?.commitWrite()
}catch let error as NSError{
Happy coding.