Five OpenFL Extensions for Android

Written by - Saumya

09 May 2017

Native Extensions for OpenFL are the things which bind OpenFL applications with the native platform it is running on. There are some extensions provided from OpenFL itself. If you go to OpenFL repository on github, you can find for yourself extensions, such as In-App Purchase and Google AdMob.

Previously it was a lot to do to make an extension for yourself. But as OpenFL and Android platform matured, the getting started with extensions became easier.

Here is a tutorial in detail about the making of Extensions.

There are 2 steps to it.

  1. create

    lime create extension MyExtension
  2. Make it ready to use

    lime rebuild MyExtension android

    Or, if you are calling rebuild from inside the extension folder

    lime rebuild . android

Thats all for an extension to be ready to use in an OpenFL Android Application.

To use the extension in your OpenFL project, add this to your project.xml as below.

<include path="../relative/path/to/MyExtension" />

And then, from inside your project, you can call the methods as MyExtension.myMethod().

I have written down some of my own extensions for Android.

The example implementation for the extnsions are present here.

Happy Coding.