Building HTML Email Newsletter

Written by - Saumya

17 June 2019

This came to me as a surprise that, in today’s world for web related work one has to work with tables as if its 1999. Well, I am talking about designing and developing for email newsletters. Here is a tutorial from 2010 which still is relevant. So yes, if you have gone through the above tutorial you have already known, for the reference I will mention it again here.

Code like it’s 1999 (literally) and I agree to it. Below is a list of things to remember while making HTML email newsletters.

The to-do list

  • HTML and CSS, (well, not HTML5 and CSS3)
  • Layouts are all table nothing more (no CSS layouts or box models)
  • No Canvas, no Webgl, no javascript, no modern web
  • CSS should always be inline (no extenal and no CSS declarations)
  • Images should be named short and Alt text should be present
  • It is the best to use a single column layout
  • Use images to layout and display groups of information instead of trying to recreate the same in HTML and CSS
  • Maximum width of layout should be 600px

Here is a tutorial showing the steps to create an HTML template from scratch.

Further reading

Happy coding.