30. June 2016

NSNotification in Swift

While Apple has put a lot of design patterns to develop applications for iOS, the flexibility of an event driven application development surely has its merits. The very de-coupled application is so nice to play around with. Well, the downside is to find where is what. For a strictly coupled application, one can definitely find the root of the roots. But for a de-coupled application its very difficult to find what is happening where. Then comes good practices of code commeting and logger messages to rescue. That topic is a separate post I hope.

Lets see how in swift we could write an event driven application.


22. June 2016


Developing for iDevices has come a long way. With the new and emerging tools everyday, the pain is also fading away. In the beginning I used to avoid any third party tools to help me build for iOS in ObjectiveC. Back then, both the XCode environment and the tools were emerging, so it was obvious to run into the edge cases very soon. The time has changed and so as the tools have matured.


12. May 2016

React and understanding Redux, Thunk, Router.

React is the view as they call it in a MVC (Model-View-Controller) world. Actually it is enough to build the whole frontend with React and its components. One does not need anything else to make a React application. Then comes a time, when one thinks of organising the code. Well, then and only then the things we talk now will make sense.
