26. July 2020

Desktop {{Vue}} Application

Writing Vue.js application is a pleasure to do. It is simple and developer experience(DX) is just too good. There are times when web application is the way to go.


25. July 2020

Ansible! The basics.

Ansible is simpler than it sounds. For a long time I used to avoid it, even to know it. Then the time came to make an automated build for one of my opensource projects. I wrote down the automation and finally the build runs upon each git push to the repository. Then I knew that I have written an Ansible playbook.


12. July 2020

CORS for multiple Domains in Node and Express

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a way / specification / standard, whatever you call it. It allows to use resources from one server in another server. Well simply said it enables to call, APIs on one server, from another server.
