14. May 2020

Sequelize UPDATE call

Working with Sequelize ORM is just sweet. It makes working with RDBMS as if one is working in NoSQL. And the APIs are simple and on the spot. It just works. While making an API for the CRUD operations the work just gets faster and cleaner.


30. January 2020

Let's JAMstack.

First project of 2020. A conversion of a portal from LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) stack to JAM stack.

I have been doing static site development for a long time (this blog itself is an example), however the complexities of the project was a little more complex than this blog.


30. January 2020

OOP Functional React!

Developing with React is pleasant enough. I have worked with React from its beginning. When started it was as simple as a script tag in HTML file. And then create the components and it worked! It was so simple that I was thinking why other frameworks were so so complecated to start with!
