16. October 2019


I have never thought I could do a fundraising campaign. I had a believe that even if I could start, it would be a failure.

The problem is MIND!

LOL. I am serious. Before even starting a thing, the mind projects it as a failure to the level that one must not even try.


07. October 2019

Removed Commeting from here, Disqus!

I was ignoring this for a long time. As Disqus was powering this blog comments, I thought it is alright to ignore. Then came a time, when I found it is true, as to why people are getting away from Disqus. A simple search in the internet will fetch you a lot of information about what/why of this commenting system. So I am not putting out the pointed information about the story here.

Finally I am here, removing that comment system from the blog here. Not sure what I am going to use yet. Till that time it is alright to ping me up on Twitter.

17. June 2019

Building HTML Email Newsletter

This came to me as a surprise that, in today’s world for web related work one has to work with tables as if its 1999. Well, I am talking about designing and developing for email newsletters. Here is a tutorial from 2010 which still is relevant. So yes, if you have gone through the above tutorial you have already known, for the reference I will mention it again here.
