RayTrace : An external logger for flash

Well, with my moving forward with haXe and NME, I needed an external logger for flash targets. Though there is a trace message view by default in haXe, it is necessary to have an external logger for me. RayTrace is written in haXe and can be used in any flash and flex based applications not only written in haXe. So if you are doing a pur actionscript or flex project, still you can use RayTrace as your logger. It comes with a client class for flash based projects, which is written in actionscript. Just put the file in the root directory and you are good to go. From anywhere in your actionscript code do a raytrace as below.

raytrace('my message');

The message you send from your code will be visible in the RayTrace logger. Currently it simply supports the string message only.

The source code is available in github as well so as if you want can go ahead and write your own implementation.

happy haXe -ing