haXe : adding image to a project

Well, while its all well and good to create graphics and animations on runtime with code. We must agree that there are situations, when we need to external images in our project. This is done by defining a tag in our .nmml file. The exact thing looks as below.

<assets path="src/assets/" rename="assets/all/" include="*"></assets>

In the tag above we are defining that all the files inside “src/assets” folder will be copied over to our final project under folder “assets/all”. Thats one part of the story. Now in our haXe code, we access the assets with their path as below.

import nme.Assets;//import the Class
var img:Bitmap = new Bitmap (Assets.getBitmapData ("assets/all/home.jpg"));//get the asset

The code above the pretty self explanatory. First we need to import the “nme.Assets” and then use it to get the asset into our project. Things to note, while providing path to access the resource, its the “renamed” path we define in the “XML” while adding the asset.
Happy haXe -ing