Getting started with HaxeFlixel

This is just another haxelib if we consider the installation process. Quite straightforward in that regard.

haxelib install flixel

Well, that does not end there. With it comes some supporting libraries and they are mandatory to install. These are as below,


With those installed, one is good to go with haxeFlixel.
The first thing to do is setup the environment. For that simply run the command as

haxelib run flixel-tools setup

Now, if you just run

haxelib run flixel-tools

that will display the options available for this command.
Once setup is done, the command “flixel” can directly be invoked, though the full command is also available as “haxelib run flixel-tools” . While its suggested that one use the shortest command, I personally feel to use the long one.

Now if at all one needs help, just type help before the command as below

haxelib run flixel-tools help template

Well, next is to create some sample projects. Those would be done with the command

haxelib run flixel-tools create

Once run, the command prompt will ask you which demo to create, just put in the number, which ever you want and that will be created.

Finally to create a new project, the command is

haxelib run flixel-tools template -n "HelloProject"

That will create a new HaxeFlixel project.

Happy Coding.

Getting git gui back on OSX Mavericks

I have been using git and its default gui with

git gui

for almost from the beginning of my git usage. While everything was smooth for a long long time, recent update to OSX Mavericks, broke that experience. Well, for a new OS, its good that they have already installed a version of git with the OS itself, so new comers do not have to worry but just use git. But this git is from Apple and does not have the default “git gui”.
Now following the old method, I tried to install git again by downloading it from
git-scm site. While everything went well and the install was smooth, I still does not get “git gui” from the command-line.
The default Apple-git was firing up always instead of the “git-scm” version. The trick here is to add the “git-scm” version to the system path. Now that can be done in many ways for a MAC, I did it, by modifying the file “.bash_profile” (dot bash_profile) the name begins with a DOT and its a system file present at the “~/” location.

The paths in OSX may be surprising at first if you are coming from windows environment, but just remember
/ -is the root folder of the OSX
~/ -is the root folder of the logged-in user

The line to add in the end of the file, is as below

export PATH="/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH"

Thats all, I closed the Terminal window and re-opened it to get my favorite “git gui”.
Happy Coding.

GruntJS for CSS minification

With GruntJS, as we saw in the last post, we can minify javascript files, the next in line is the CSS files.
I have updated the Github repo for using CSS along with Javascript files.
The basic setup is not different from javascript setup. Here we have to use


The confusing part is, for minification we have a lot of options in NPM, and one of them is


So at first I was confused and it did not work for me. Seems like “mincss” is old and have not been updated for a long time. So I am with “cssmin” and that just works.
As usual, install cssmin locally, with

npm install grunt-contrib-cssmin

A note is, if you have “package.json” and “Gruntfile.js” file in the same location, take those files somewhere else while installing new packages from NPM, else it throws some errors. Once installation is complete, bring those files back and that should work as it was before.

Happy grunting.

Introduction to GruntJS

Developing in Javascript (in that case for frontend web-development) always feels manual provided you came across this nice library called GruntJS.
As the name suggests, it takes the grunt work out of the developers workflow. The repetitive and manual tasks could be automated with this nice library.
GruntJS requires NodeJS. Well, actually it does not require, it works on NodeJS. So the basic to get started is NodeJS. Once NodeJS is installed, one need to install GruntJS, locally per project. As of version 0.4, it is advised to uninstall the globally installed GruntJS module.
Must haves :
1. NodeJS installed
2. GruntJS installed locally.
3. Must uninstall GruntJS globally (if its already installed globally).

npm uninstall -g grunt

Link to the NPM Grunt package is here.

There we go, the basic setup to get started with our grunt work. Now to work with GruntJS, we need two files, which are as below;
1. Gruntfile.js (previously it was called grunt.js)
2. package.json
These two files are to be present right next to the locally installed GruntJS NPM module rather its the other way round. After deciding a place for GruntJS setup, in your work environment for the project, install the NPM modules locally in that folder. Next we can make these two files in the same folder.

The last and most notable task is to install the dependent task packages locally. These are the tasks we want to give GruntJS. For example, if we want to minify a JS file using UglifyJS, then we must install it locally for the project before using it.

npm install grunt-contrib-uglify

Finally, to fire up the grunt work, open the command prompt and navigate to the folder where we have the above two files and type;


Here is the github link to the setup, if you want to directly jump into the code.

Thats all, keep the grunt work to GruntJS.
Happy coding.

Cordova(Phonegap), jQueryMobile and making a popup

This may seem obvious to make a pop-up with jQuerymobile with its popup API, but its a little more than just calling the api.
The problem is closing the popup. When working in a single page application in jQuerymobile and phonegap, the closing of the popup will take you to different jQueryMobile pages depending upon your setup.
The solution is to make the popup ready to be open just at the current page and while closing it should not make the application go to different pages. The trick is to while initialising the popup widget, initialise it with “{history: false}”, and thats all.
Here is a popup created with jQueryMobile API.

My PopUp


Save Cancel

Here is the javascript code to initialise the widget and open it.

//making a popup which will not take you back to the previous page.
$('#popupDialog').popup({history: false});//awesomeness

Happy coding :)

First book review : Aptana Studio Beginner's guide

This came to me as a surprise that I have been asked to review a book and write something about it. I started of with excitement as to finish the book as soon as possible and write something about it. So here it goes.
The book : Aptana Studio Beginner’s Guide
A nice book, as it states from its title. Which is unlikely, is its not only for “beginners only”. This is all you need to get started with Aptana studio but in general Eclipse IDE of any kind.
Aptana Studio itself provides a very solid IDE which is both free and opensource. I love this IDE as I do HTML and JS projects with this IDE. The most appealing thing about this IDE is its cross-platform, so one IDE, one experience everywhere. I must say its a must have for anyone who is serious about Javascript development in general.
Now to get the most out of this nice IDE, this companion book is a must have I would say to get you started and to know what can you do with the IDE.
This book starts with very basic things as to menus and workspace and then move on to deeper topics as to configure it to suite your working style. After working with this IDE for such a long time, I found this book reveals a lot more which came as surprise to me. Things like saving your own customised look and preferences, making shortcuts, the command-line interface inside the IDE and lot more are covered in detail, from a beginner’s perspective.

All in all a nice book to have if you want to get used to Aptana IDE in particular or Eclipse IDE in general.

Thanks a lot to Kenny Dias from Packt Publishing, who gave me this opportunity to review this book.

Cordova (Phonegap) , alert message.

This might seem, very easy task. But then while making a customisable alert message, one need to think as to how to do it. While working on Cordova(phonegap), one can easily assume and which is true is the javascript alert script.


The javascript alert will work. Then we do not have a customisation option except for the message. The solution Cordova provides is a function with the name as alert. The syntax is as below.

navigator.notification.alert(message, alertCallback, [title], [buttonName]);

In the very basic form, where one need to have a specific title, message and button name, the code I use is

navigator.notification.alert("My message", undefined,"My Alert", "ok");

Thats the simplest kind and if one need more generic, wrap the whole thing inside one of your own custom function as example below.

function showAlertWithTitle(title,message){
	navigator.notification.alert(message, undefined,title, "ok");

Hope coding.

iOS notifications from developer's view

Notifications in iOS devices such as iPhone and iPad are a way to tell the user about some important thing has happened. From a users perspective it is just a message reminding thing.
For a developer, one must note the difference between the type of notifications. Well, to be at its simplest form, there re two kinds of notifications. One is local notification and one is push notification (think this as server is telling the iOS device to show the notification).
Well, why should I bother about these two as a developer ?! That might be the question if you are doing the notification programming in iOS for the first time. The answer is, iOS gives very certain instructions as to what and how to do the notification implementation.
Here is the official link to the Apple documentation.

There are only three types of UX for either of the notification (local or push). They are
1. Displaying an alert message
2. Badge the application icon
3. Play a sound

The settings to control these notification types are located in the global settings menu of iOS. Remember it, the settings of all the applications, which use notifications are at one place in all iOS devices and that is the “settings” menu.
Well, another subtle but important option is “notification center”. Its the place, where all the notifications from all the applications reside. The settings, whether to keep the “notification” in “notification center” or not is also inside the global “settings” menu. Being a developer, the good thing about Apple and for that matter the iOS is, one does not code for adding settings item for notifications. It is done automatically for you by the OS (Operating System). All this magic happens, when you as a developer, makes a “certificate” for the application in Apple developer’s portal for the application saying “this application used notification”. Simple and elegant.

The major difference from developer’s point, between local notification and push notification is local notification is scheduled. That means, we can not show a notification if certain things happen in the application. Once application goes to background, we lost power as a developer to do anything at all with that application. So local notifications can only be scheduled for a normal application (for music streaming applications we do get a little more control). If at all we have to notify the user on certain data change, we have to fall back to push notifications. This one is pushed by Apple Push Notification server. Though, there are third party services which can push data, but all of the data push to an users device route through Apple Push Notification server.
The last thing to note is Push notifications are created on the server and pushed to the device, at max, upon tapping the notification, the underlying application can be brought to foreground and thats all one can do as a developer.

Tips for phonegap developers :
1. There are two different official plugins (one for local and one push notification), but then these plugins are not always up to date or might not support your version of the phonegap(cordova), do some reading before you settle down with the plugins.
2. The third party service providers (for push notification) might have their own plugins (a lot of do have), its better to use their plugins if you are developing upon their infrastructure.

Tip for push notification :
Make sure you are creating proper certificate with “push notification service” enabled at “Apple developer portal” and then using a profile on XCode which uses that certificate.

Some push notification servers are

Would like to know if anything I am missing here, I am putting things here as I am doing hands-on with this iOS “notifications” for the first time.

Things to consider for Cordova (phonegap) development

This came to me as a learning from my first Cordova(phonegap) application development.
The first thing one comes across while developing in Phonegap is “the need for a GUI lib” and the first thing to get in a search result is jQuery, its mobile version and the UI lib. There are many other good libs out there, but this one seems quite ok. While one may choose to use a UI lib or build own lib its up to the developer. In my experience its easy to get started with jQueryMobile and its UI, which uses “Theme roller” to theme the UI.
If one is using jQueryMobile then the trick is to try and solve all the UI problems with this lib itself (not hacking the CSS and JS all over the place in the project). That way the performance will be more and pain to solve all the UI problems is less.

One can just start to make one Cordova application without any libraries, but to be productive soon, the minimum required libraries are
1. jQuery
2. jQueryMobile
3. cordova

Now the most important library which might not be required for the project as a project dependency but is a real time saver is
1. UnderscoreJS
After some playing around with the library and from the suggestion from the community I found Lo-Dash library, which is a drop-in replacement for UnderscoreJS with performance enhancements. So I would recommend using
1. Lo-Dash

Now to coding tips, if one knows the “scope” and “this” in javascript, then writing javascript applications are just fun. So prepare yourself with javascript and how it works, so as to make your life easier developing the application.

Target platform and the library support :
The current Cordova lib might not support your required target platform !! Yeah, that is another thing which might take up sometime to know in the beginning. With each release these libraries kind of deprecate support for old platforms, so check that out in the beginning itself.
The same goes for jQuery and jQueryMbile. Check out whether the latest version of the library supports your target platform.

Native Notifications in Cordova is not supported :
Cordova (phonegap) does not support native notifications. It only supports “alerts”,”confirm” (kind of alert only),”beep”(sound) and “vibrate” (device vibration). But then if you expect to do “alert” notification as iOS and Android devices do (like showing the alerts to user when the application is running in background), then Cordova (phonegap) does not help. One has to write native libraries in native languages and call them from javascript through Cordova.

jQuery tips :
Adding an element to a page and displaying it :
jQuery “append()” and “prepend()” does not update the UI (or DOM), so the added elements are not visible by default. we can hack it by dispatching a jQuery event called “create”, the code will look as below

$("#p_4_content").prepend("hello World").trigger( "create" );

That will tell jQuery to render the UI again, resulting in displaying the added item.

Defining EventHandler Scope :
Another nice thing is calling the event handler in required “scope”. The jQuery library provides a handy method for adding event event handlers as

$('#id_btn').on( 'tap', onBtnTapped );

But then it will be scoped to the same scope as where its being written. If you are writing things in an Object, you might want to get the “scope” in the handler(which is “this”), in order to do that, jQuery provides a “third” parameter option, and one can pass the scope in there. The optional parameter is at the middle instead of at the end (as comparing to other object oriented programming convention)!! But then its the way to go. So the modified code will look as below

$('#id_btn').on( 'tap', this, onBtnTapped ); //Look at the middle parameter
//and the handler code looks as below
onBtnTapped :function(event){
    	//just saving the scope, may be we need it in future here
    	var that =; //here (which we passed as second param)

That way inside the handler we can get the “scope” as below

var that =;

The second parameter sent while binding the handler to the event, can be got inside the event handler as “”. Since we are just passing “this”, we can get that in the handler as the example shown above.

Writing the EventHandler :
Well, now the trick writing an eventhandler without making the application behave unreasonably is a challenge. It might sound silly but it is not. If you write an event handler as

onBtnTapped: function(event){
    	//Do something

Then its bound to get in your way of the behavior of your application. The jQuery fix is to do a “return false” in all the handlers. But then that might not be the case of your handler as that might return in between the code itself. So the fix is make a call to “preventDefault” as soon as you are inside the handler method. the modified code will look as below

onBtnTapped: function(event){
    	//Do something

That is the start, I will post more tips as I fight through the scenarios.

CoffeeScript, the first taste

On my path inside javascript land, I came across CoffeeScript which compiles to JavaScript. One week of handson to the language and I tried to write a simple phonegap application with CoffeeScript taking jQueryMobile into action. The whole project is on github, the whole of the CoffeeScript is here for your reference.

First thing I liked about the language is, it compiles to a very decent, rather I would say the best handwritten JavaScript. That itself is a huge advantage if one wants to learn JavaScript.
The code is modular and compiler is straight forward so its an immediate likable thing if one wants to code ahead in JavaScript. The community is vibrant and the official documentation itself is quite nice.
It is a must try for any javascript developer.

Things to keep in mind, and must be kept in mind while coding in CoffeeScript, are
1. The indentation should be exactly same
2. Each function returns the lastline of code in the function
(I faked it in above code by writing “null” at the end of each function)

Happy Coffee