Mobile device emulator as Chrome Browser extension

If you are a mobile application developer, then it would have been always a quest to find the devices to test the applications. Apart from that, one need particular environments to develop the application too. Some device applications can be developed and tested in particular Operating system. Then there are HTML5 and JS frameworks and tool kits to develop mobile applications. These frameworks and toolkits allow one to develop applications as web applications. While this option, opens up the opportunity to develop mobile applications in any environment, there is still a lot of work to do, when it comes to test these applications in various mobile devices.
Ripple is an extension to Chrome browser. I think this can not be more easier than this. Once installed, the interface is quite straight forward. Well the process goes like this. If you are in a webpage (any webpage), just right click and say

Emulator > Enable

That will render the webpage in a mobile device, there are choices to configure the devices also. That means, any web application can be tested with a number of device emulators, right in the browser itself. There are options for Device, Platform, Accelerometer along with a lot more.
I think this can not get easier than this.

Sparrow V1.2 is released

This is one of the most stable releases of Sparrow framework, as it is said from its creators. This is very exciting news as there are some very subtle but significant changes happened. One of the features, which I like most is, the position of the pivot point of a texture. Previously one need to put it inside a container, now its just a property setting.
The complete list of updates could be found in its officials blog here.

Posted from WordPress for Android through my “HTC Wildfire”.

Lua : some basics

This is an extension of my last post about Lua. If you have not read that yet, I strongly suggest start from there as a beginner of Lua. On the other hand, if you know the basics of Lua, this post is exactly for you.
Hope you enjoy Lua as I am excited about it. Lets get started.
Commenting in Lua is done by “–” for single line and with “–[[ ]]” for multiline.

-- single line comment
Multiline comment is
Like this.
print("comments are done, get back to work")

Continue reading

Hello Quote!!


Where, there is a will, there is a way.

This is just testing the new features of the new WordPress engine, where we are now allowed to set a post as “Quote”,”Image”,”Standard”, “Link” and many more like the same.

Lua : getting started

At very basic Lua syntax is very flexible. Lua can interpret the line ending!! I am serious. For example the code below

local a=6 local b=5 print (a+b)

is exactly same as the code below

local a=6 
local b=5 
print (a+b)

That means we can go ahead writing like the code below too.

a=6 local b
=5 print 

But then comes readability. Its generally better to write code, which we, ourselves can read later too !! So generally one statement per line is a convention.
Now for the declaration of variables, by default any variable declaration is a global variable, unless we define it as a local variable with the ‘local’ keyword as follows.

local a=1
local b='string'

If we remove ‘local’ keyword, the variables are global.
Any variable declaration can contain any kind of values, i mean its not mandatory for a variable to store one kind of values, Lua interpreter can take care of that.
For people who are used to semicolons at the end of the statement, can write that way too and Lua interpreter can take care of that too.

local a=6;
local b=5;
print (a+b);

Writing a for loop in Lua is as below

for i=0,10 do
print (i)

Writing a conditional statement is as below

if(a>b) then
print ('a>b')

Similarly the if-else would be as below

if(a>b) then
print ('a>b')
end if(a

Finally the way we load different .lua files is through 'require' as follows

require "newFile.lua"

Finally there is a way to start experimenting with Lua without even installing it. This is through the Web Lua project.

With that I think we can get started with this small but powerful language, Lua.

Internals of this blog is updated!

Yesterday, the internals of this site is updated again. Now it runs WordPress version 3.2 Beta. This is for the first time I have updated to a development version of the engine.
Well, I must say the transition was just smooth. The best of all is it now has the new default theme and that is pretty awesome in itself. All my custom widgets are intact and I have applied them here without any hassel. Overall I am impressed with the progress of the WordPress engine and this is probably the best update in recent times.
The admin panel is sleeker and lot of confusing settings are provided in a simple UI.
Well done WordPress team. I am happy with my new design. Obviously want to listen from you, what do you think of this site.

Posted from WordPress for Android through my “HTC Wildfire”.

Got my first iOS device.

This is been a while since I was thinking of getting an iOS device. Finally I got one and this is ipod touch with retina display. That makes me excited again as to keep my developer shoes on.
my first iOS device
First of all, I must say Apple keeps an eye for a lot of detail into account while it comes to its products, any product. It has got some awesome products, but then it does not stop there. Till the product is delivered to the customer and its use, each one is specially taken care of.
my first iOS device
In my case, opening of the cover itself gave me a sense of satisfaction. The way things are packed, each thing is tightly bundled yet very easy to open up. I am completely surprised to see the small arrow mark on the stickers, which are just used for packing purpose.
my first iOS device
This gives an user satisfaction as in details in small things. Probably that’s why Apple is the best in UX ( user experience ). Once I opened my ipod touch, its amazing to see that I can straight away use the product, no charge for 6hrs before use, kind of thing. Another UX win. The samething had impressed me before also, when I got my macbook pro. After all these, the retina display and camera swing funtionality is just some nice, exciting feeling. Overall, I am impressed and thank you Apple for keep innovating and making my life pleasurable.

my first iOS device

Posted from WordPress for Android through my “HTC Wildfire”.