CoffeeScript, the first taste

On my path inside javascript land, I came across CoffeeScript which compiles to JavaScript. One week of handson to the language and I tried to write a simple phonegap application with CoffeeScript taking jQueryMobile into action. The whole project is on github, the whole of the CoffeeScript is here for your reference.

First thing I liked about the language is, it compiles to a very decent, rather I would say the best handwritten JavaScript. That itself is a huge advantage if one wants to learn JavaScript.
The code is modular and compiler is straight forward so its an immediate likable thing if one wants to code ahead in JavaScript. The community is vibrant and the official documentation itself is quite nice.
It is a must try for any javascript developer.

Things to keep in mind, and must be kept in mind while coding in CoffeeScript, are
1. The indentation should be exactly same
2. Each function returns the lastline of code in the function
(I faked it in above code by writing “null” at the end of each function)

Happy Coffee