Dartlang, the basics

The basic things, which will help one, moving ahead in the Dart language are as below.
Its class based.
Every class has got a constructor. If one is not written, its been added by the language itself.
Constructor is not inherited.
Multiple constructors are possible.

Private properties are written with an underscore.

int _age=20;

The getter and setter are just methods with “get” and “set” added before it.

int get userAge{}

Inside a string the if something is written between “${” and “}” that value will be evaluated and appended to the string.

 'Person is of age ${j.userAge}'

Hope that helps to get you started in the language.

Some interesting Dartlang packages

There are various packages with different intentions are available to Dartlang in a global space known as “pub“. At present there are two of these packages which seems interesting to me.

  1. Dartflash
  2. Rikulo

As you might be already guessing that “Dartflash” is a port of Flash API to Dartlang. That makes any flash developer instantly play with “canvas” element of HTML5. So yes, its not working on the DOM of the page rather works on the “canvas” element of the DOM.
The second one, that is “Rikulo” seems to promise a lot. It says, it can create “cross-platform web and native mobile applications using HTML5″, while its true to create web applications, but the native mobile application is done through, you guessed it right, phonegap(now known as CORDOVA). And now there is another dart package,which is the port of CORDOVA in Dartlang. Its known as

  • Rikulo Gap
  • That means, one has to have the “Phone Gap” development environment ready to start doing mobile development.
    Rikulo works in DOM manipulation and gives a displaylist hierarchy (if one compare it with flashplayer displaylist, its similar in concept and how it works).

    Some interestin Dartlang packages

    There are various packages with different intentions are available to Dartlang in a global space known as “pub“. At present there are two of these packages which seems interesting to me.

    1. Dartflash
    2. Rikulo

    As you might be already guessing that “Dartflash” is a port of Flash API to Dartlang. That makes any flash developer instantly play with “canvas” element of HTML5. So yes, its not working on the DOM of the page rather works on the “canvas” element of the DOM.
    The second one, that is “Rikulo” seems to promise a lot. It says, it can create “cross-platform web and native mobile applications using HTML5″, while its true to create web applications, but the native mobile application is done through, you guessed it right, phonegap(now known as CORDOVA). And now there is another dart package,which is the port of CORDOVA in Dartlang. Its known as

  • Rikulo Gap
  • That means, one has to have the “Phone Gap” development environment ready to start doing mobile development.
    Rikulo works in DOM manipulation and gives a displaylist hierarchy (if one compare it with flashplayer displaylist, its similar in concept and how it works).

    Java for iOS and Android

    It seems that its a long wait for the Java developers. But the good news is the wait is over. finally we have an SDK which expects us to write in Java and deploy our application into iOS and Android.
    Codename One is an opensource SDK, library, deployment system, all in all a platform to develop for mobile platforms.
    The short story is I tried to put a simple helloworld application to put in my android phone and it took only 30 minutes to make my development environment ready to deploy to the phone.
    Well, the whole of the SDK is just a plugin to Eclipse or Netbeans, depends upon your preferred IDE of choice. Thats all to it. What a developer gets, is a GUI builder, a simulator, the SDK and the complete framework. Now go straight into the IDE and start building the application you want to do with the Java skills. Finally decide where you want to put it, iOS or Android, select the option and push it to the cloud, so that Codename One cloud will make the build for you to deploy into the device. Thats a no brainer deployment and code migration.
    What all that means is, one is very well ready to develop iOS applications in windows machine. A very nice and well thought of SDK and framework.

    Happy Coding.

    haXe : Conditional compiling

    A nice and exciting feature about haXe is conditional compilation. That means one can specify which code to compile depending upon the target chosen at the compile time. Hah, that does not make sense ? Ya, I know. Let me explain again.
    There is a compiler and while providing argument to it we have to specify which target we are compiling to. Like in case of haXe and NME we can compile it to a lot of different targets. The compiler argument for flash or swf output looks as below

    haxelib run nme test app.nmml flash

    Now we can compile the code to HTML5 with the following argument

    haxelib run nme test app.nmml html5

    Thats the beauty of the language. Most of the time its the same code, but then there are times when we need to write different codes for different targets (may be layout, view elements, can be anything). But then one does not need to keep a separate project for all the different cases. The solution is conditional compiling. What it does is depending upon the target type specified to compiler, it picks up the right code from the same file. Whoaa!! Magic :)
    How does it do it or how we make it aware of this ?! You asked it. Lets see it.

    #if flash
    //Code for SWF output
    #elseif js
    //Code for HTML5/js output

    Thats simple. Its one file, completely in itself, but when it comes to compiler it picks up the right code part depending upon the target type.

    One thing to remember though, that when specifying HTML5 target, it picks up conditions from “js”, it does not have a “html5″ option. This particular thing took me sometime to figure out. Just thought would point out here saving someone’s time out there.

    Happy haxe -ing :)

    haXe : adding image to a project

    Well, while its all well and good to create graphics and animations on runtime with code. We must agree that there are situations, when we need to external images in our project. This is done by defining a tag in our .nmml file. The exact thing looks as below.

    <assets path="src/assets/" rename="assets/all/" include="*"></assets>

    In the tag above we are defining that all the files inside “src/assets” folder will be copied over to our final project under folder “assets/all”. Thats one part of the story. Now in our haXe code, we access the assets with their path as below.

    import nme.Assets;//import the Class
    var img:Bitmap = new Bitmap (Assets.getBitmapData ("assets/all/home.jpg"));//get the asset

    The code above the pretty self explanatory. First we need to import the “nme.Assets” and then use it to get the asset into our project. Things to note, while providing path to access the resource, its the “renamed” path we define in the “XML” while adding the asset.
    Happy haXe -ing

    haXe : switch-case

    This syntax is slightly different from other languages in general. It requires a “default” case and without that the compiler will throw error compiling it. The second change is, we do not need a “break” at each “case”, the “break” is automatically called on the last statement.
    The general syntax is

    switch (result)
    			case 'one':
    				i = 1;
    			case 'two':
    				i = 2;
    			case 'three':
    				i = 3;
    			case 'four':
    				i = 4;
    			case 'five':
    				i = 5;
    			case 'six':
    				i = 6;
    			case 'seven':
    				i = 7;
    			default :
    				i = 0 ;

    Thats not a very huge change, but I think the information will save you sometime in the beginning.
    happy haXe -ing.

    haXe : dynamic datatype

    It may be surprising to believe that the data types are static in haXe, though typed dynamically! This is awesome, for it gives you freedom to just type a variable without defining its datatype at the same time it will not allow to assign other data types to be assigned to the same variable. The best of both worlds. Whether you come from a dynamic language like javascript or a statically typed language like actionscript 3, this will surprise you in the beginning for sure. Another cool thing (rather hot thing) about haXe is these datatype mismatch will be checked at compile time and if mismatched, will not be compiled! Just beautiful.
    Here is an example code.

    private function testDataType()
    		var a;
    		a = 2;
    		a = '2';

    The compiler will throw an error saying “String should be Int”. But how it knew that the datatype is Int ?!! The catch is, when the variable is assigned a value for the first time, the datatype is defined for that variable at that point and there after can not be changed. In our case we defined it as Int when assigned the value for the first time.

    This concept goes further to function arguements and return types as well.

    private function testDataType(x)

    If we call above function with two different types of data as


    The compiler will trow an error saying data type mismatch.
    Lastly if there is a return type example code is as below.

    	private function testDataType(x)
    		if (x==2)
    			return 2;
    		}else {
    			return 'hello';

    Though we can assume to write something like above in a dynamic language, but haXe compiler will not compile this, instead throw an error saying data type mismatch.
    Happy haXe -ing. :)

    haXe : A for loop

    Well, this may be a simple case to write. But there is a chance that you may get it wrong in the first go. Thats for this kind of loop has got a slightly different syntax.
    The syntax for a for-loop in haxe looks as below

    for(i in min...max)
    		trace('This is inside for loop.');

    This loops from a value of “min” to “max” and “i” is the iterator.

    Thats quite simple, even simpler than for-loops in other languages!
    Happy haXe-ing :)

    haXe : First HTML5 circles

    We are going to write an application, which will just draw out different color circles to the HTML5 canvas. Once the number of circles reaches 1000, we are going to clean it up and start over again.
    There are 2 files, the first one is the program entry point Main.hx and then there is an ApplicationStage.hx. Basically we are not going to write anything in the program entry class, rather we will keep it clean all the time. So for us, the first class to write some code is ApplicationStage.hx. Below is the code for the two files;

    class Main 
    	public static function main() 
    		new Main();
    	public function new()
    		var as:ApplicationStage = new ApplicationStage();

    We are not doing anything on Main class, rather creating an object of ApplicationStage and adding it to the stage. So the code for ApplicationStage looks as below.

    package ;
    import flash.display.Graphics;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.Event;
    class ApplicationStage extends Sprite
    	private var count:Int;
    	private var max:Int;
    	public function new() 
    	private function init():Void
    		this.count = 0;
    		this.max = 1000;
    		this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEachFrame);
    	private function onEachFrame(e:Event):Void
    		var g:Graphics = this.graphics;
    		g.beginFill(Math.round(Math.random()*(256*256*256)),Math.random());//Math.random() * 256, Math.random()
    		//g.beginFill(0xFF0000,1);//Math.random() * 256, Math.random()
    		g.drawCircle(Math.random() * 600, Math.random() * 400, Math.random() * 50);
    		//clear everything
    		if (this.count>this.max)
    			this.count = 0;

    If you are coming from Flash, it should look as if you are writing Actioinscript ! So no worries.
    Now the last thing is to write the nmml file for NME. We save it with name compile.nmml and it looks as below.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    	<app title="haXe_Day_8" 
    	<window width="600" height="400" 
    			resizable="false" ></window>
    	<set name="BUILD_DIR" value="Export" ></set>
    	<classpath name="src" ></classpath>
    	<haxelib name="nme" ></haxelib>
    	<ndll name="std" ></ndll>
    	<ndll name="regexp" ></ndll>
    	<ndll name="zlib" ></ndll>
    	<ndll name="nme" haxelib="nme" ></ndll>

    Finally the command for compiling it to HTML5 will go as below in the commandline.

    haxelib run nme test compile.nmml html5

    Well, that all to it.
    The source files are here for your reference.