HTML5 : Some more details about Canvas

I think by now we are moving good on Canvas element and now its time to know some more basics about the canvas element which will get us up and running on the canvas.

Firstly the co-ordinate system. Well, the origin of the canvas element is at the top-left corner. The x-axis increases its value form left to right from the origin. The y-axis increases its value from top to bottom form the origin.

Now there is an important concept about Canvas element which can get in our way. That is the resetting of the Canvas element altogether. Resetting means, Canvas comes back to its initial stage, the default settings with which it has been created. And this happens when we set either width or height of the Canvas through our code. Well, we can use that to our advantage also. Suppose we have already drawn a lot of drawing on the Canvas and now we want to clear everything. Then we can just set the width and height of the canvas to its original width and height. Though that does not change the size of the Canvas itself, but it will reset the Canvas to its default state removing all the drawings. Lets say that again, even if we set the width and height of the Canvas element to its own width and height, it will reset the Canvas to its default. This can be an advantageous to us if we use it and at the same time it can be a disadvantageous to us if we overlook the effect.