NSLog options

I always have a problem understanding the log syntax of objectiveC. So putting down it here. I have taken this from the original link, which is at CocoaDev website.

%@     Object
%d, %i signed int
%u     unsigned int
%f     float/double

%x, %X hexadecimal int
%o     octal int
%zu    size_t
%p     pointer
%e     float/double (in scientific notation)
%g     float/double (as %f or %e, depending on value)
%s     C string (bytes)
%S     C string (unichar)
%.*s   Pascal string (requires two arguments, 
           pass pstr[0] as the first, pstr+1 as the second)
%c     character
%C     unichar

%lld   long long
%llu   unsigned long long
%Lf    long double

Happy Logging

Such a gift to know a person.

If you can say that I know someone, its just a false statement, unless the person also agrees.  And everyone has got that gift to really know people around. But in the midst of the crowd, and in our busy schedule, we generally forget to look at it. Then we know that we do not know even the next person who sits by your side in the office, but publicly we have to say that we know each and everyone very well. That increases our chance to be a social animal. But then, that increases the insecurity. Once you are in a false path, it leads to another and the process continues. And in the end, its regret inside and all happy outside. Do you want to die a life of regret?! Do not answer to anyone, but just ask yourself.

All of us are blessed with precious gifts such as love, faith, believe, friends, relations and what not. But we tend to focus on bad and ugly part of life. Why ?! For it comes to us and we think we do not have to do anything, it just happened to us.  In the contrary, the truth is, even if you want to be normal, you have to fight against the odd. Its like standing in a flowing river. If you just have to stand still, you have to make an effort for that. Else, you know, you will be flowing in the direction the water is flowing. The same holds good for the life as well. There are wrong and toxic forces all around. If you just be yourself, then without your knowledge, you will be flowing in the wrong direction. So to be your own self, you have to make an effort. Forget about getting better, that even requires more effort.

Well, I was talking about knowing a person. It is a beautiful feeling to know people from inside, what they are thinking, how they are leading life. And that comes when you listen to them. It takes time but when you make it, its a pleasant feeling that only those can understand who ever have believed in a stranger and made that relation for the life. Sometimes the experience hurts, but at-least you know you are exposed to truth. For people around you see are not the same from inside. There are so many examples I have seen in my life till date, who from a distance looks well and good, but when you see inside they are in complete pain, struggling with their own fight with life. But still they never convey negative energy to anyone. They got hurt by the people who are evil and insecure but still they are by themselves challenged the life to remain truthful to themselves.

Its only possible know them if you nurture your gift of knowing people. and its not hard, its just that you must have will to do it. Some people I know were in jail for quite sometime in life and now leading a happy family. You never got to know them by face or profession. But they fought back with life and back in it again.

There are persons, who were suffering so much in life that they just want to break free and go somewhere else. But its not that they do not have courage to do that. Its the opposite. They have more courage than they have, so they are fighting the situation out from the place they are, rather leaving it halfway.

On the other hand, there are people who just do not seem to be active in any situation. But when you get into the inside of them they are more colourful and lively than you ever have thought of.

Knowing people is a gift to given to everyone, and if you really like to know a person then just spend sometime with them with your heart open to experience the life. Life has so much more than it just looks to our eyes.

Happy living

Whatever goes out, comes back.

This was just in the books until now, but I began to realise its not books only. Its the universe, and its awesome, beautiful power. This is not about wealth but peace and happiness. Some people just do it for money in the shake of logic ( That also their own made ). I was always tried to understand them and always thought they may be have a point. But the truth is beginning to unfold in front of me. Its the power, the thought and how we use it. There is really nothing which is impossible but you must see it all the time. Day dreaming is bad, but dreaming is the first step towards doing something. So dream, whatever you think you should be doing. And the world will help you make your believe come true. And yes, intentions must be kept clear, for The God is not upto your logics and the same goes for this beautiful universe.
The thoughts of yours go into the world, if they are evil, it will come back to you only. Sooner or later, the truth always wins.
Never ever try to build up a relationship, any relationship with false hood. Whether its hobby, job or personal, be true to yourself and everything will fall in place. If you are thinking positive, those thoughts also will comeback to you. So keep dreaming and dream positive and infinite. The key to get there is actually within, one just need to believe.
Until now, I was never able to say all this. For I was all the time have doubts for me. But at-least I can say, today I am feeling I am moving in right direction and feeling much confident about me. So sharing my thoughts, just be yourself and listen to your heart. I know, there are toxic people around, try and avoid them at all possible circumstances, for they are the evil to the core and just 5 mins of your time with them may require your 5 days to get back to your own self. They are toxic than poisonous snakes and evil creatures. But sometimes you need to be there, for without them you might not appreciate the real good of life. So the point is, their poison destroys them, and thats bound to happen. For everything that goes out comes back. These people are never happy, always worried and insecure. They will play all the evil games, but never concentrate or loose your focus. For what they are, they will be like that and die like that. Just think, do you really want to be like that? You are born free and infinite, concentrate and move on. Life is waiting for you. Do not die every minute, but live now.
And most importantly, think positive, infinite and abundance. That will comeback to you. Share love and affection and friendliness and genuine. That will comeback to you. If you think, you can make it, then go try for it. I am sure you can make it. If you fail, then you learn. Try again, if you fail again, you learn something more, try again and never give up.

Continue reading

This is a test run

I have just added the CodeHighlighterPlugin for my blog. So as to take it for the test run, I am posting it here. Below are some actionscript code to see everything works fine.

	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.events.MouseEvent;
	import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
	 * @version 0.1
	 * @author Saumya
	public class FlashMenu extends MovieClip
		public var btnOne:Sprite;
		public var btnTwo:Sprite;
		public var btnThree:Sprite;
		public function FlashMenu() 
		private function init():void
			trace(this, ' : init : ');
			this.btnOne.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onUserClick);
			this.btnTwo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onUserClick);
			this.btnThree.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onUserClick);

Happy living

Joined a new startup

I have joined a new startup company. This is in Mumbai, it takes 2 hrs to reach there. So in total, there would be 4 hours of journey atleast, every day. This is a product development company and not a services company. Today was my first day and I am quite impressed by the company I have. Almost all of my co-workers have kind of 10+ years of experience on their respective subjects. I will be closely working with a Java Architect and a Flex Architect. This makes me feel a lot excited. There is a huge learning experience coming in my way.
You know what, it is said you will get nothing while playing it safe. And I am a proof of it for myself and those who want to get over fear. Fall freely and without fear, that will show you what you can do and what your value is. There are always people around you to pull you back, by somehow or other. If you believe in yourself, go for it and I know, you can do much more than what you think you are capable of.
Another important thing, I always knew but the situation in past few months made me to practice it. And I must say it now “Cut down negativity at any cost.” By that, I mean at any cost. If you feel depressed, hold back or even not enjoying what you are doing, stop doing it and put no logic to it. Just stop it and move on. Life will give you all the things you have dreamt of. Just keep the faith on yourself and listen to your heart and move on. If you think by your logic or someone else’s logic that “it can not be better” , you are cutting down your real wealth, for life has got a lot to give you and you must be ready to accept it. Unless you open your arms you can not accept anything, you cannot feel free air, can not feel sun, wind or anything.  So those who say it can  not be better, they have already lost the hope and they are not in a situation to advice anyone. Stop listening to these people, they are just losers and to hide themselves they come up with aggressiveness and play cheap, just because they are losers, they do not want anyone to succeeded. This is a nice read, if you really want to make some impact on your life.

Well, from the first day only we started discussing regarding the framework of the project. Its really a nice experience to sit with such experienced folks.

Thank you God for giving me such an opportunity.
Happy Living.

Why is it here ?

Well, why the space ? Sometimes, I myself asks the question to myself. Then I got the answer, while walking down the streets, with my umbrella rescuing me from the rain.

I put down the space here to motivate me.

If anything else comes out of it, thats an added advantage. After I started with my blog, I always thought “is there a need for another space?” But the thing is it is needed. The blog was a kind of technical blog and I am happy about it. I will be maintaining that one as a technical blog only. Here, in this space, it could be anything life is about. Well, that means technical topics will also be a part of it.

Happy Living :)

Hello World.

This is just hello world. I think everything is working fine. Time to move on. Thank you for visiting. Love to listen your comments.