WordPress : backing up to Dropbox

I learned it the hard way that once you have a site up and running its better to keep a backup of the same locally in your machine. There are chances that the whole of the content might get erased!! You call it a server failure, no backup plan or anything, but the end result would be loosing all your content along with the conversations. In my quest to get a simpler and straight forward backup plan, I found this nice plugin for WordPress, called “WordPress Backup to Dropbox“. This plugin allows a direct, scheduled backup of the site to Dropbox. All one has to do is, schedule the time and frequency of backup and thats all, everything else is simply automated.
Hope that helps someone out there.

Finally updated the internals of this blog

well, its been a long silence. But better late than never. I have finally updated the base wordpress engine and the plugins to its current available state. I am not saying I will post this update message every time I will update, but this one needs a mention as I have taken log time ignoring this. Partly for ignoring and partly too enthusiastic. But then, i think I am better now to get up and keep going.
I least I am hoping so and wish me luck for the same.

Thank you all for stopping by.

This is a test run

I have just added the CodeHighlighterPlugin for my blog. So as to take it for the test run, I am posting it here. Below are some actionscript code to see everything works fine.

	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.events.MouseEvent;
	import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
	 * @version 0.1
	 * @author Saumya
	public class FlashMenu extends MovieClip
		public var btnOne:Sprite;
		public var btnTwo:Sprite;
		public var btnThree:Sprite;
		public function FlashMenu() 
		private function init():void
			trace(this, ' : init : ');
			this.btnOne.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onUserClick);
			this.btnTwo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onUserClick);
			this.btnThree.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onUserClick);

Happy living