Category Example by code reference

Well moving ahead with Category and trying my hands on them, I found its better to have some code reference here to serve myself in the need.
I was working with Sparrow framework for my opensource iphone game MathIsFun2. And suddenly I needed to add some functionality to the Sprite class that Sparrow has. This made a situation to have a Category.
The example code here, is not exactly the same as in the game, I changed the Category and code here, so as to best fit for general purpose.
The code and example here is just to make the understanding of Category and not to show how we are going to do a certain task in it (as we are drawing a circle here). There may be better way to do, what we are going to do here (creating a circle), but lets concentrate and see how Categories work.
The point here is, I needed a “draw circle” method in Sparrow’s SPSprite. I went ahead and made a category named “SPSprite+Circle” and the two files are “SPSprite+Circle.h”,”SPSprite+Circle.m”. Lets see how these files look from inside.

The interface file “SPSprite+Circle.h”

#import "Sparrow.h"

@interface SPSprite(Circle)

The implementation file “SPSprite+Circle.m”

#import "SPSprite+Circle.h"

@implementation SPSprite(Circle)
	for (int i=0; i<=360; i++) {
		SPQuad *q=[SPQuad quadWithWidth:thickness height:3];
		q.color = color;
		[self addChild:q];

Thats all, I needed a method to draw a circle in my sprite, and made a Category, which handles that. Now where ever I have imported SPSprite, I have to replace that with "SPSprite+Circle". Rest of the implementations remain the same.
Lets see, the usage code

//first import in the interface .h file
#import "SPSprite+Circle.h"

//on the implementation .m file write down the below code
//where you think you want a circle
SPSprite *s=[[SPSprite alloc] init];
		[s makeCircle:50 WithThickness:30 AndColor:0xffffff];
		[self addChild:s];

You can see the clear advantage. We are making an SPSprite and calling the method on it. The same method "makeCircle: WithThickness: AndColor:", which we have declared in our Category now directly available to the SPSprite Object.

Now lets try the more confusing one. I have another class named “SsaumyaSprite”, which is a child class of “SPSprite”.

#import "Sparrow.h"
@interface SsaumyaSprite : SPSprite 
- (id)initWithSqare;
-(id)initWithCircle:(int)radius AndThickness:(int)thick;
-(void)makeCircle:(int)radius withThickness:(int)thickness;

So it has all these method implementations in its implementation file as well. Now lets try and call our new method which was added as a Category. The same implementation file will look as below

//first import in the interface .h file
#import "SsaumyaSprite.h"
#import "SPSprite+Circle.h"

//on the implementation .m file write down the below code
//SPSprite *s=[[SPSprite alloc] init];
SsaumyaSprite *s=[[SsaumyaSprite alloc] initWithCircle:100 AndThickness:1];
		[s makeCircle:50 WithThickness:30 AndColor:0xffffff];
		[self addChild:s];

Looking carefully into the code will show you that now we are not making “SPSprite” object but “SsaumyaSprite” object. Again, after that all the code are the same. The child class also gets the added method to the base class ( by Category ).

I hope that clears out a lot of confusion and shows the potential of Category in objectiveC.
The source code for this example Category are available at Github.
My opensource gameMathIsFun2 is available at Github too.
Hope to see some gaming around it :)

Category and Inheritance on ObjectiveC

While Category is a nice way to add functionality to the base class, people like me who come from other object oriented technology such as Flash, will find a little difficult to understand as to how this thing relates to the inheritance chain. The same question came up to my mind and I did a quick research on the topic.

The final thing is Category does the same thing as it tells about itself. It adds functionality to the base class. If you remember this, then there would be no confusion at all.

Well, for that to understand, lets take an example. Suppose there is a Class A and Class B is a subclass of Class A. In the application Class B is used in a lot of places. Now, there is a need to add some more functionality to Class A, so a new category is written as “A+newRole”. Once this category is written, the new functionality is added to the base class and in this case, Class A. That means, all those classes which are child classes of Class A such as Class B, automatically gets the functionality. Thats freaking cool. One can straight away go ahead and call the new methods added in the Category from the child classes. The only thing necessary here is to import the Category file to the appropriate place.

Getting into web design action

Once we are familiar with the key concepts of the web, browser and how it works, now its time to see how to get started with it. If you have not yet gone through them, here are the links,
1. introduction
2. getting used to the terms
I hope by now you have gone through the above links. This is not mandatory, but then going through them will bring you to the same page with me. Else it will be a little difficult for any one to understand what is being referred in the tutorial here.
Well, lets get into action. By now, you must be knowing to start with a web-page we at least need 3 files (Not mandatory but good way to segregate different functionality in different files, refer to the “getting used to the terms” reference for more on this ). So the 3 files are, one HTML file, one Javascript file and one CSS file. We will start to put the basic code for these.
The HTML file is stored with an extension of “.html”, CSS files are stored as “.css” and javascript files are stored as “.js” files. Lets write our first html file.
The very basic HTML page code will look something like

< !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


Continue reading


Coming from an object oriented programming such as actionscript or java this feature may seem a little different. At least it felt different to me. It took sometime for me to get the understanding. It was un-believable for me, at first, and all magical.
In ObjectiveC there is a feature called Category. Its another way to extend a class. If we compare with inheritance, well it can not be compared to that. As one might be knowing that, ObjectiveC itself, provides option for inheritance.
Category adds functionality to the class itself.
What?!! Yes, its that powerful. I must say it again. It adds functionality to the class itself. Its not inheritance. As with inheritance one must use the child class, to get the added functionality. But with “Category” the added functionality is available to the class itself. Wherever one might have used the class, if a new Category is added, that class just gets the functionality. Thats magic!! Yes, kind of. But then its fun and powerful, when you know the real power of it. “I can do that by adding functionality to my class file itself”, there you said it. Lets talk about situations.

Just imagine, you have a class and used it everywhere, and later you wanted to add some functionality to the class itself without ever touching the class file. The situation may arise, that one is using an external library of some kind. That library is maintained by someone else. So, you never worry about it and just use it. What if, you want to add some functionality to some class of that library. Ohh well, “I will change the class”. What if the licensing policy do not allow you to do it? Or better, lets say, if you change it and the library is updated! You have to change the updated class again! And chances are that, the functionality is now written with some other logic in the library, which makes your implementation of the class unusable. You have to re-write it in the class. And thats a lot of work, if you think the library is getting updated regularly.

Lets take a situation, where one subclasses a class and used it. Well, the same thing may happen, that the root lib is updated and used a different approach this time. All the subclass logic need to be updated!

In another scenario, one may need some more functionality to the class. Well, we subclass it again. Nice and fine as long as you have used it in some places you remember. There may be cases one need to remove the first subclass and add the subclass of the first subclass. And thats a lot of work too.

Lastly, what if one needs to add functionality to the base SDK or the parent library. Subclass it and use it, simple. But we have already seen problems with subclassing. One has already used the base class through out the project, but later on it is required to add some functionality to the class. Either some how one has to add the functionality to the base class or subclass it and use the subclass everywhere, the base class was used previously.

Ok, coming back to Category. It allows a user to add functionality to the base class itself. One need not touch the class itself. It can be done even to the original ObjectiveC classes shipped with Apple SDK. That means, if we have used a class and later decide we need to add some more functionality to it, we are safe on with Category. As soon as it is declared, the functionality is available to all the places, where the base class is used.

Lets see how we can do it, some syntaxes and naming conventions.

Defining a Category, is kind of same a defining an ObjectiveC class. One needs 2 files for it. An interface file and an implementation file. The file naming conventions are generally as “ClassName+CategoryName.h” and “ClassName+CategoryName.m”. Where “ClassName” is the name of the class one needs to extend or add functionality to and “CategoryName” is the name of the Category one is defining now.
Each Category in a project must have a different name.
Categories can not define or add instance variables to a class.
Categories can override methods of the parent class.

Lets define a category :

//file name GameAddition+ShadowText.h
@interface GameAddition (ShadowText) 
-(SPSprite *)makeText:(NSString *)text 

And the implementation file will look as

//file name GameAddition+ShadowText.m
#import "GameAddition+ShadowText.h"
@implementation GameAddition(ShadowText)
-(SPSprite *)makeText:(NSString *)text 
	//custom code goes here

the difference here is both in interface and implementation file the declaration is changed to

@interface ClassName (CategoryName)

instead of just

@interface ClassName 

And same happens with implementation file too, instead of

@implementation ClassName 

the category implementation file will declare it as

@implementation ClassName (CategoryName) 

. The category name will be on parenthesis.

Now thats all to it. Wherever we would have used the class “GameAddition”, a new method is available to it. But then we need some work there too. Just to make the application know we are using the category, wherever we have imported “GameAddition.h”, we have to import “GameAddition+ShadowText.h” instead. And there we go.

Hope that helps someone out there.

References :

Tested my first iphone game on device

I feel so happy to get my opensource game tested on some real devices. The game got tested with iphone3GS, iphone4 and ipodtouch2G. Thanks to all my friends to help me with this. You all rock. And with that I come to a point where may be this game is pushed to Appstore. The tests were good and made some changes as per the retina display of new iPhone4.
Overall it is nice experience to see my game on device.
Cheers to life.

My basic day-to-day Git commands

Ever since I have started using Git, it feels more fun to work on command-line. At first it was very daunting to me. But as with any new thing, we have to practice it until we are comfortable. Same happened to me. As I have promised myself to go Git way, I have started using it more and more. It was not easy for a person coming from SVN with tortoiseSVN client on windows to a pure command-line tool. Though tortoise has released visual client for Git, I must say, if you use command-line there is no way you will love any UI for Git. I am still learning it and not at all a mature user, doing all complicated things with it. That said, I am kind of getting comfortable with it now.
I am putting down here, what are the commands I use on a regular basis.

//very frequently used
git add . //adds everything in the directory to commit
git commit -m 'comment for this commit' //commits to local repository
git push origin master //commits to the remote repository
git status //checks the status of the repository
git log //displays all the log for the current repository

//some one time things
git config --global "Saumya Ray" // done once for a computer
git config --global "" //done once for a computer
git init //start using GIT, initialises the current directory for GIT
git clone URL //URL to get the repository from

Those are some which I use very regularly.

GitHub has got some very nice tutorials to get one started with Git. Here is cheat sheet link of it. And here is the link which talks about dealing with Remote in Git.

My opensource iphone game now supports accelerometer

I have made some improvements since my last post about the game. The game (Math Is Fun 2) now supports accelerometer. The new version of the game is having below mentioned additions and updations to it.

1. Accelerometer support ( The game mode is now changed by changing phone’s direction )
2. A counter is added ( Which changes question in every 1000 count )
3. Game now displays, total questions played ( asked )
4. Total number of correct answers given by user is displayed
5. Total number of wrong answers given by user is displayed

The code is on GitHub and licensed under Unlicense.