My basic day-to-day Git commands

Ever since I have started using Git, it feels more fun to work on command-line. At first it was very daunting to me. But as with any new thing, we have to practice it until we are comfortable. Same happened to me. As I have promised myself to go Git way, I have started using it more and more. It was not easy for a person coming from SVN with tortoiseSVN client on windows to a pure command-line tool. Though tortoise has released visual client for Git, I must say, if you use command-line there is no way you will love any UI for Git. I am still learning it and not at all a mature user, doing all complicated things with it. That said, I am kind of getting comfortable with it now.
I am putting down here, what are the commands I use on a regular basis.

//very frequently used
git add . //adds everything in the directory to commit
git commit -m 'comment for this commit' //commits to local repository
git push origin master //commits to the remote repository
git status //checks the status of the repository
git log //displays all the log for the current repository

//some one time things
git config --global "Saumya Ray" // done once for a computer
git config --global "" //done once for a computer
git init //start using GIT, initialises the current directory for GIT
git clone URL //URL to get the repository from

Those are some which I use very regularly.

GitHub has got some very nice tutorials to get one started with Git. Here is cheat sheet link of it. And here is the link which talks about dealing with Remote in Git.