Two absolutely necessary Node packages, within a week of Nodding

As my learning continues with NodeJS, it is now becoming obvious to me that probably I could never live without Node in future from now on, even if I do not continue developing on NodeJS. In just about a week there are the below two packages which became absolutely necessary for me in day to day work, while doing front-end web work or just playing around with javascript in general.
These two enable any folder to act as a web server. Once installed from “npm” one can directly fire up these commands and see the folder as a website through a browser.
If you want to run the webserver at port “1234″, just navigate to the folder you want to serve as a website and fire up the command below.

serve -p 1234

If you do not care about the port, just


will do the job, where the site will be served at a default port “3000″.
Now to access the website go to “http://localhost:3000/” in your favorite browser.
If you change a file, you have to manually restart the server.
Now “nodemon” helps us in automatically restarting the server on any file change. If one is working on any web application and does continuous changes to the files, one just have to refresh the webpage (No need to restart the server over and again for updates). That gives continuous focus on development.
Happy Nodding :)

On my search for a JS variant, triggered by NodeJS study

Well while going ahead with my NodeJS study and after looking at the functionality that NodeJS provides, I got a little curious to search for something which might help me develop in JS a little more easily. To my surprise, I found a lot of languages which does that, but I picked 3 as it seemed these are got some history to themselves and backed by big corporate or have a huge community to support.
1. CoffeeScript
2. TypeScript
3. Dart
All these three compile to javascript. While CoffeeScript and TypeScript are nodeJS dependent and installed by “npm”, Dart comes with its own installation and IDE. Personally I liked the first two, at first glance as they are installed with “npm”. But then Dart comes with its own IDE, which is an advantage.
Now a little bit about the face value of the three.
CoffeeScript : A huge community and has proven history of a good player.
TypeScript : Its a microsoft initiative.
Dart : Its a Google initiative.

Looking at all these, I still feel HAXE is the best for JS dev too, may be thats my biased opinion.

Modules in NodeJS

There is this concept of Modules in NodeJS, which is kind of but not exactly the same as Class concept of programming languages like Java and ActionScript. To add a module the syntax is

require() // its like import in Java and Actionscript

A detailed implementation of “require()” statement is as below

var myModule = require('./myModule.js');

So that’s all to include a module, if the module JS file and your application JS file are in the same folder, for the time being lets do the understanding this way. :)
Now lets see what kind of features or flexibility “modules” gives us as a nodeJS developer.
If we think of modules as the Classes then it will be easier for us to understand.
First of all, everything inside a module is private. Ohh yes, private things in javascript. Thats interesting, is not it!
Lets write a simple class kind of thing in a module, which has a private property and getter-setter method of the same.

stupidVar='Global Scope. Avoid this.';// Never put anything in Global Scope
var nameOfModule='I am private';
	return nameOfModule;

Couple of things to note here. First of all every variable that is not declared with “var” is on the Global scope. I think thats true in general for javascript. Apart from this anything else in a module is private, that means the variable “nameOfModule” in our example is only accessible from inside that module itself. If we try to access it from out side the module NodeJS will throw an error. Now to expose methods and properties to outside world, we have to add the methods and properties to an object named “exports”.
Now to consume the module, lets write a “main” class which we can assume as the application entry.

console.log("Hello Modules.");
var modOne=require ('./modOne.js');
modOne.setName("I am set by the setter. Setter is Public.");
//console.log(nameOfModule);// this will throw an ERROR as we are trying to access private var

Save both the files in the same directory. Open the commandline and navigate to the directory. To run our application we have to write

node main

Just a note that we do not have to specify “.js” after the “main”, while feeding the file to NodeJS.

The source files for this are here to download.
[reference : ]
Now there are publicly available packages, libraries and modules in our case. To install a module in a nodeJS application, one has to navigate to the folder containing the application through commandline and install the required module. An implementation detail is as below.

npm install module_name

I hope you remember “npm” from previous tutorial. For a quick reminder, “npm” and “node” both the tools are installed by default when we have installed nodeJS. The “npm” is the package manager for nodeJS.

Happy Nodding :)

How I started with NodeJS

To be clear with the following contents, let me tell you that the whole experiment or learning was done in a Windows environment, but then I found that MAC is easier to start with NodeJS.
Installation is straightforward. Just download the binary and get going.
Once installation is done, node and npm command should be available from command-line, if not try restarting and then test the commands. Testing the commands means typing “node” or “npm” in the command line and pressing ENTER. If installed, the result should be something other than “missing command or error message”.

The next commands I went through are

 npm root
npm bin 

why ? To see the details of below explained stuff

npm root // to see where modules go
npm bin // to see where executables go

[ ref : ]

Next I tried with “-g” switch as below.

 npm root -g
npm bin -g

Why ? Thats because node installs differently for global and local specifications.
[ ref :
If you install something with the -g flag, then its executables go in npm bin -g and its modules go in npm root -g ]

Next is my favorite first timer stuff, to list all the installed packages,

npm ls

Next to know a little bit about Node itself

 npm view npm author
npm view npm contributors

So thats the start.
Next is the node official doc. [ ref : ]