javascript : prototype and __proto__

Note that __proto__ is a property of the instances, whereas prototype is a property of their constructor functions. Ref : Mozilla Developer Network
With that it may seem that we have another property, which we can use. But the reality is “__proto__” is a custom implementation and only available toGecko Javascript engines, which is used in Firefox.
A lot advice to use this only to study the “prototype” chain of javascript but not use it in any practical application. Here is a nice explanation about the two.
Now even, Mozilla is deprecating the “__proto__” and instead suggests to use “Object.getPrototypeOf”. Here John Resig explains the new property.

Hope that helps.

javascript : Inheritence by prototype

Once we got the basic information and know how, of the “prototype” property of a constructor object, we need some code to test it. So here is another all in one page test for the “prototype” property.
We have 3 constructors and then the prototype property of the constructors are defined as another object. Basically, if 3 constructors namely A,B,C are present, prototype of A is defined as an object created by “new B()”, prototype of B is defined as an object created by “new C()”. There are 4 different properties in all the objects. But the relationship is now as below

A.prototype is new B(); 
B.prototype is new C()
//so the relation is as below
A -> B -> C

That means, “prototype” allows us to make a relation between the objects. We will see that in a moment. Now all the properties of all the objects can be accessed through the object created by “new A()”.
If you have not yet opened the all in one page test for this example, open it now. And click the buttons to see the properties accessed from one Object.

var ClassA=(function(){
	var a,b,c,d,getA,getB,getC,getD,numberToBeAdded;
	a='Property a';
	c='Property c';
	d='Property d';
	//numberToBeAdded=100;//prototype object can not access this property, instead the local property will be used
	this.numberToBeAdded=100;//With the use of "this" now its exposed to be accesed from its prototype object
		return a;
		return b;
		return c;
		return d;
		return userNumber+numberToBeAdded;
var ClassB=(function(){
	var e,f,g,h,getE,getF,getG,getH;
	e='Property e';
	g='Property g';
	h='Property h';
		return e;
		return f;
		return g;
		return h;
		return userNumber+numberToBeAdded;
var ClassC=(function(){
	var i,j,k,l,getI,getJ,getK,getL,getSum,numberToBeAdded;
	i='Property i';
	k='Property k';
	l='Property l';
	numberToBeAdded=300;//"this" exposes this number to be overriden by the object which will prototype ClassC(or this class)
		return i;
		return j;
		return k;
		return l;
		//return userNumber+numberToBeAdded;
		return userNumber+this.numberToBeAdded;//using "this" will override the local property and use the property of the object which would be using this object as a prototype

The code to use the prototype is defined as

//makes the object
var objC=new ClassC();
//makes the prototype magic
//makes the object
var objB=new ClassB();
//makes the prototype magic
var objA=new ClassA();

So how it works?!! This magic is simply possible by “prototype”. For example, if we are trying to access one property in an object created by “new A()” and the property is not present in the Object, then javascript engine will look for the property in the “prototype” object of “new A()” and that in our case is an object created by “new B()” and if the property is not found in it, it will search in the prototype property object defined for this object, that is in our case is an object created by “new C()”.

The code below shows, how we are accessing properties from the prototype object through the single object.

//calling own method
//calling B's method
//calling C's method

If you go through the code here, you must see that there is the use of the key word “this”. This is simply kind of saying that this property is accessible from outside. In Java or Actionscript kind of languages, its known as “public” variables. Remember that, whatever variables need to be exposed to outside, must be defined with the keyword “this”. Going through the code again will show you that, some properties are just defined with “var”, while some other are defined with “this”. Remember, “this” always points to the current object.

Now with these knowledge, we can very well override or reassign values to our objects, which are defined in the prototype object. That means, if some properties are defined in our “prototype” object and they are exposed or public variables, then we can again define the same variables in our Object and our object variables will be used for calculations. This is very interesting and sometimes get some time to understand too. Again, coming back to code, we have a function in our “prototype” object which adds some numeric value to another given number. Both the actual object and “prototype” object have got the value, which needs to be added. But if the prototype value is exposed with “this” then only the value inside function, which calls this variable with “this” will take actual value from the object not the value from the prototype! Thats because, “this” always refers to the current object.

Here is the source code for this example.

Hope that helps someone. Would love to listen comments, suggestions and insights, as I am still learning it.

Lua : getting started

At very basic Lua syntax is very flexible. Lua can interpret the line ending!! I am serious. For example the code below

local a=6 local b=5 print (a+b)

is exactly same as the code below

local a=6 
local b=5 
print (a+b)

That means we can go ahead writing like the code below too.

a=6 local b
=5 print 

But then comes readability. Its generally better to write code, which we, ourselves can read later too !! So generally one statement per line is a convention.
Now for the declaration of variables, by default any variable declaration is a global variable, unless we define it as a local variable with the ‘local’ keyword as follows.

local a=1
local b='string'

If we remove ‘local’ keyword, the variables are global.
Any variable declaration can contain any kind of values, i mean its not mandatory for a variable to store one kind of values, Lua interpreter can take care of that.
For people who are used to semicolons at the end of the statement, can write that way too and Lua interpreter can take care of that too.

local a=6;
local b=5;
print (a+b);

Writing a for loop in Lua is as below

for i=0,10 do
print (i)

Writing a conditional statement is as below

if(a>b) then
print ('a>b')

Similarly the if-else would be as below

if(a>b) then
print ('a>b')
end if(a

Finally the way we load different .lua files is through 'require' as follows

require "newFile.lua"

Finally there is a way to start experimenting with Lua without even installing it. This is through the Web Lua project.

With that I think we can get started with this small but powerful language, Lua.

My basic day-to-day Git commands

Ever since I have started using Git, it feels more fun to work on command-line. At first it was very daunting to me. But as with any new thing, we have to practice it until we are comfortable. Same happened to me. As I have promised myself to go Git way, I have started using it more and more. It was not easy for a person coming from SVN with tortoiseSVN client on windows to a pure command-line tool. Though tortoise has released visual client for Git, I must say, if you use command-line there is no way you will love any UI for Git. I am still learning it and not at all a mature user, doing all complicated things with it. That said, I am kind of getting comfortable with it now.
I am putting down here, what are the commands I use on a regular basis.

//very frequently used
git add . //adds everything in the directory to commit
git commit -m 'comment for this commit' //commits to local repository
git push origin master //commits to the remote repository
git status //checks the status of the repository
git log //displays all the log for the current repository

//some one time things
git config --global "Saumya Ray" // done once for a computer
git config --global "" //done once for a computer
git init //start using GIT, initialises the current directory for GIT
git clone URL //URL to get the repository from

Those are some which I use very regularly.

GitHub has got some very nice tutorials to get one started with Git. Here is cheat sheet link of it. And here is the link which talks about dealing with Remote in Git.

Where are my blog design gone?

There seems to be something wrong in this blog!! Really! Well, the images and styling are all gone!
This is not accident but intentional. I have started porting my blog to HTML5 . Yeah, you heard it right. For those of you asking me to learn HTML5, lets start here. You can right click on the page and view source. That way, you can go through the HTML5 tags. Do not worry, if things look similar/different to/from previous version of HTML. I will be posting updates and tutorials about HTML5 and CSS3 here only. Stay tuned.