HTML5 : Some more details about Canvas

I think by now we are moving good on Canvas element and now its time to know some more basics about the canvas element which will get us up and running on the canvas.

Firstly the co-ordinate system. Well, the origin of the canvas element is at the top-left corner. The x-axis increases its value form left to right from the origin. The y-axis increases its value from top to bottom form the origin.

Now there is an important concept about Canvas element which can get in our way. That is the resetting of the Canvas element altogether. Resetting means, Canvas comes back to its initial stage, the default settings with which it has been created. And this happens when we set either width or height of the Canvas through our code. Well, we can use that to our advantage also. Suppose we have already drawn a lot of drawing on the Canvas and now we want to clear everything. Then we can just set the width and height of the canvas to its original width and height. Though that does not change the size of the Canvas itself, but it will reset the Canvas to its default state removing all the drawings. Lets say that again, even if we set the width and height of the Canvas element to its own width and height, it will reset the Canvas to its default. This can be an advantageous to us if we use it and at the same time it can be a disadvantageous to us if we overlook the effect.

Javascript : some things to keep an eye on Canvas

This came to me as a surprise, when we were doing the last tutorial. If you see the code in detail, we have the code below.

The above code is not on the head section of the HTML document! Rather it came after everything in the HTML document. I hope its for the Canvas does not get initialised before the code is executed. But moving the script to the last section of HTML document, it worked just fine.
I hope someone have got better explanation about the effect, but thought its better to share as this very thing took me a while to get it working. After all I am also learning now and sharing my experience at the same time.
The next thing to keep an eye is the code below on javascript

var canvas_one=document.getElementById('board_one');

The above code is pure javascript without utilising jQuery library. But the same thing can be achieved by the code below

var canvas_one=$('#board_one')[0];

The thing which went wrong for me in the beginning is that I was doing

var canvas_one=$('#board_one');

First I was hoping this should work, but it did not unless I access the zeroth element. Hopefully this also can be explained by some experienced developer, but then as we are going ahead in our learning its better to know how to get the element using jQuery library and its by accessing the zeroth element as below.

var canvas_one=$('#board_one')[0];

Hope that helps someone.

HTML5 : Canvas, an introduction.

Getting started with the canvas on HTML5 is kind of diving right into the HTML5 world and forgetting anything of past of a web browser. I am not going to talk more about it here, rather I think by this time you already have known this. Instead we will jump into the canvas example right away.
Here is the source code of the files for you to download and run.
The HTML code looks as


Hello World.

We have added two canvas tags in our HTML document. These canvas tags are kind of actual Canvas of or a drawing board. Yes, now we have a proper drawing board in HTML. I have added two canvas tags so as to know that there is no restriction on the number of Canvas tags. Now lets look at the javascript code. It looks like

	//first canvas
	//var canvas_one=$('#board_one')[0];
	var canvas_one=document.getElementById('board_one');
	var context_one=canvas_one.getContext("2d");
	context_one.fillStyle = "#f00";
	context_one.fillRect(50, 25, 150, 100);
	//second canvas
	var canvas_two=$('#board_two')[0];
	var context_two=canvas_two.getContext("2d");
	context_two.fillStyle = "#0f0";
	context_two.fillRect(10, 10, 200, 50);
	// Define some graphics attributes and draw the curves
	context_two.fillStyle = "#aaa";  // Gray fills
	context_two.strokeStyle = "blue"; // Stroke lines in blue
	context_two.lineWidth = 5;       // 5-pixel black (by default) lines
	context_two.fill();              // Fill the curves
	context_two.stroke();            // Stroke their outlines
	//experiement with first canvas
	context_one.strokeStyle = "blue"; // Stroke lines in blue
	context_one.fillStyle = "#aaa";
	context_one.fillRect(300, 50, 50, 100);
	// A utility function to convert from degrees to radians
	function rads(x) { return Math.PI*x/180; }  

Just open up the HTML file in any web browser to see the drawings in action. And thats simple, is not it! Now we have two rectangles in first canvas and two shapes(one rectangle and a circle) in second canvas.
The important part here is to understand the drawing board or the Canvas in HTML. Well, the thing is first we get the canvas element in our javascript code.

var canvas_one=document.getElementById('board_one');

Now this is not the plane or not the slate where we are going to draw. To get the surface to draw, we have to get that with the code below

var context_one=canvas_one.getContext("2d");

This is known as context and can be a 3d context to draw 3d or 2d context to draw 2d. We are getting the 2d context object here known as CanvasRenderingContext2D object. The 3d context object is referred as “webgl” instead of “2d” in the “getContext()” method. WebGL is an API which is a javascript implementation of OpenGL. Yet, WebGL is a large and complicated API and it is suggested to use a third party library for the same. But all in all we got the idea.

To summarize it all,

  1. Add a canvas tag specifying width and height
  2. Get the canvas element in javascript
  3. Get the context forma the canvas
  4. Start drawing
  5. Enjoy :)

Hope that helps someone one out there.

Some open web libraries

Google Chrome Frame, Enable open web technologies in Internet Explorer.

General Purpose

HTML Canvas
MooTools Canvas Library


Animation on Canvas

Vector drawing on Canvas


Javascript Graphics library
unveil : Data driven application framework




Tutorials, examples and references :
Chrome Experiments
HTML5 based Game Engines
Js Game Engines

CSS : getting into it

While going ahead with javascript and all its goodness, we come across terms, which certainly make us curious like id and class. Apart from this we must know the things which we are going to use over and again as a web designer. When we already know about html,javascript and CSS makes up the whole web page, this is time to know some basics about CSS.
In CSS, we generally define some rules for our html content. Say, we have some structural data with a title and some content. Now this kind of data can be more than one in one page. So we will write some design rules, which our page content can refer to design itself. This kind of rules are called Class in CSS and generally defined with a . (dot) in the beginning.


The important thing to remember here is these elements will come more than once in a page. Now, there are elements in a page, which occur only once. These kind of elements are referenced as id and defined with a #.


These are the basic types in CSS and we have already seen how these are referred in javascript too. To add the class styles and id styles in html document we write something as below.

We can even join two different styles together as


Now you can imagine how easy or complicated one can make a site design without even touching the content itself.
Well, there are some default elements in HTML as body, h1,p etc. These elements are directly designed with there name in CSS as


How cool! Now for some global level elements or in general we have an option to define global style for all elements in a HTML page with a * as


That will assign, the designs described, to all the elements in the html page. This is, kind of, defining the base design of the page and its elements and then individual elements will override their design settings from there own id or class.

Point to keep in mind is, the design which is nearer to the element will override other design rules. That means, if there is a global style and an id or class style is defined for the element, the id or class style will override the design settings of the global style and the element will be visible as its defined in its id or class style.

Hope that helps someone.
If you want, take a reference of the design of our last all in one page here and can download load the source files here and see the basic CSS for the page.

javascript : prototype

Moving on with my study of javascript, the next thing is “prototype”. Before that, lets say it three times, “Everything in javascript is an Object“.

There are only 3 primitive datatypes in javascript! Though some refer as, there are 5 types, but all in all those are the only ones. These primitive data types are

//The other two are

Apart from these basic datatypes, everything else is an Object. Though there are predefined Objects in javascript with these primitive datatype names such as String,Number,Boolean,Null,Undefined respectively. Please refer this for a detailed understanding.
Well, the point here is everything is an Object in Javascript. Unlike other programming languages where a Class is needed to create an Object, Javascript comes with Objects from the beginning. The dynamic nature of the language allows us to do so many things in so many ways that there really needs an eye who can see the details, of how things are done.
We know from past tutorial that “prototype” is a property of an Object created with “new” keyword. What does this do? Well, this allows us to link Objects internally!! Lets take a pause and understand another very important lesson of javascript and object oriented programming in general.
In a Class based language(Java or Actionscript) it is thought as, “how to relate the Classes, so that something is possible?”, where in a dynamic language such as javascript, it is thought as “how to relate the Objects, so that something is possible?” Read it for a number of times so that you will get a hang of the metaphor and thought process difference, in mind.
So the point here is the same, we have to relate the Objects itself but not the Classes(Anyway, we do not have classes here in javascript but can fake them though).
Coming back to our “prototype”, its the property of an Object created through the use of “new”. This “prototype” property is also an Object in itself. To test this, let us refer our previous post, and the all in one page test. Go down to the “Understanding Javascript class.” box and click on the “what is prototype” button. The pop-up will say, its an Object. That’s good, lets move on and click on “prototype test” button, now it alerts “undefined” that means, “prototype” is an object but not yet defined! So lets define a prototype and call the same method again. First to assign an object to the “prototype” property click on “initiate with custom prototype” button. That will assign a custom object as the “prototype” property. Now click on the “prototype test” button again, and this time it will alert with some value, other than “undefined”.
Whoa!! Its that simple. Yes it is that simple and for the same reason many confuse with the concept. After all the world has become complicated to understand simple things :) :)

The source code of the example is here to download.
Happy coding.

javascript : An all in one test page :)

This took me some time to put a decent page online, where one can refer to some very basic concepts of Javascript. Now the page can be accessed here and the source code can be downloaded from this link.

I will go on putting the details of my learning in the coming posts, but for the time being if one needs to play around the codes, please download and start researching.

Keep in mind that every language has its own way of doing things and the more ignorant you become (at least pretend to become) about other languages while picking up one, the faster you will master the one you are studying.

The example and source files convey, how to make and use your own javascript library, how to make a reusable Object in javascript (i am not saying to make a Class here, but a reusable Object, there is a very big difference in those two), how to make a basic CSS3 usage of rounded corners, multiple shadows, custom fonts and text shadows.

Happy learning.

Aptana Studio, free IDE for web design.

This may be apparent by now that web design is not graphics in a page or the colour of the background of the webpage. It has gone well beyond that and for the same reason web designers are attracted towards an IDE (Integrated development environment) that would be best suited for this need. Previously the WYSIWYG kind of IDEs were a thing to look for. But currently it is the web standards, clean code and ease of use is what everyone looks for. Fortunately we are not limited to Notepad in windows or TextEdit on MAC.
One such IDE is APTANA Studio. This is based on the opensource Eclipse IDE. Current version of the IDE is much better than its previous versions and now it comes with project templates for HTML5 applications. There are project templates which are already installed with the IDE itself. There is an option to choose the template to use in your project, and if you are connected to internet then there are options for a template to be downloaded from the source control systems like github. This makes a perfect case for people who are just beginning to use Git or not used to it. That means whenever you create a project with these kind of templates, you are bound to get the latest one form the repository. So you will get the benefit of the awesome developer and designer community, who is constantly contributing to the original source code. And one does not need to know the inside working of the system. Thats a huge plus point.
Well, by this time you must have sensed that Git support is inbuilt with the IDE. So one can always see if the changes are committed or not. That way it will make your code constantly tracked by version control systems. There is a built in terminal(command prompt) inside the IDE. So one dose not need to open it separately to work in a command prompt.
Next is its look and feel and working in different operating systems and this IDE simply the same IDE in Windows and Mac operating systems (I have not tried the Linux version yet).
This supports a lot of languages starting from HTML, Javascript, CSS, PHP, Ruby and Rails. While writing my own CSS and javascript the code hinting and responsiveness of the IDE just blown me away. Its just those simple features, which, if one gets used to, then there would be no coming back to a bare-bone IDE like Notepad or TextEdit. While editing CSS, and adding a colour value, there is a little display as to which colour this value is representing! Thats just too good. There is a web previewer inside the IDE itself, if one needs to test the design one need not leave the IDE too.
Overall in my opinion this is one of the IDEs to get used to if one is doing web design in current age.

Mobile device emulator as Chrome Browser extension

If you are a mobile application developer, then it would have been always a quest to find the devices to test the applications. Apart from that, one need particular environments to develop the application too. Some device applications can be developed and tested in particular Operating system. Then there are HTML5 and JS frameworks and tool kits to develop mobile applications. These frameworks and toolkits allow one to develop applications as web applications. While this option, opens up the opportunity to develop mobile applications in any environment, there is still a lot of work to do, when it comes to test these applications in various mobile devices.
Ripple is an extension to Chrome browser. I think this can not be more easier than this. Once installed, the interface is quite straight forward. Well the process goes like this. If you are in a webpage (any webpage), just right click and say

Emulator > Enable

That will render the webpage in a mobile device, there are choices to configure the devices also. That means, any web application can be tested with a number of device emulators, right in the browser itself. There are options for Device, Platform, Accelerometer along with a lot more.
I think this can not get easier than this.

Finally updated the internals of this blog

well, its been a long silence. But better late than never. I have finally updated the base wordpress engine and the plugins to its current available state. I am not saying I will post this update message every time I will update, but this one needs a mention as I have taken log time ignoring this. Partly for ignoring and partly too enthusiastic. But then, i think I am better now to get up and keep going.
I least I am hoping so and wish me luck for the same.

Thank you all for stopping by.